
St Michael and All Angels CE Primary and Pre-School

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St Michael and All Angels CE Primary and Pre-School

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OFSTED (September 2022)


A Letter from our Chair and Vice-Chair of Governors

We are sure you will join us all in being exceptionally proud and pleased that we have continued to be a 'good' school!

We all think very highly of St Michael & All Angels School & Pre-School.  The school works assiduously to create the very best learning environment for every child in its school community.  Without a doubt, this is a huge reflection on the hard work that everyone; staff, community and of course our amazing pupils have all put in to making St Michael & All Angels School & Pre-School such a lovely, ‘friendly and welcoming place to learn’.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the leadership team, staff, pupils, governors and families who work tirelessly to keep what is great about St Michael’s.

We would also like to thank you as parents and carers specifically, who have supported school in all we have been aiming to achieve.  The inspectors noted; ‘The school’s partnership with parents and carers is strong’. 

We feel we provide exemplary care, guidance and support for our pupils which has contributed significantly to improvements throughout school; something that was evident during the Inspection. Once again, pupils’ well-being was highlighted as a strength;  ‘The support for pupils’ well-being and welfare is a priority.  As such, pupils feel safe and well cared for.  They trust adults to swiftly sort out any problems that might arise. Bullying is rare’.  

Teaching and attainment were praised highly.  As were our amazing pupils who were deemed as ‘polite’ and ‘showing great respect for their teachers and one another’.

Leadership remains strong.  The school is ‘led and managed well, with all school leaders, including governors, understanding the strengths of the school and having appropriate plans to help it improve further.’

Like any school, we have areas that require further development.  We were aware of these things and continue to have clear development plans to continue to improve.

We thank you for your continued support for St Michael & All Angels School & Pre-School - it is greatly valued and appreciated.


Mrs Joanne Feltham                  Mrs Juliette Craven

Chair of Governors                                                      Vice Chair of Governors

SIAMS (March 2024)

The report highlighted many strengths and positives across our school, including the dedication of our staff towards an inclusive school community.  The inspector reported, "Difference is not only accepted but is celebrated here.  As a result, pupils feel free to be who they are and are respectful of difference and diversity."  It also states: "St Michael and All Angels is a welcoming and inclusive community where pupils and adults experience being loved and belonging.  Leaders know the needs of their pupils and families well.  They seek to serve the school community". 

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