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At St Michael’s, we are determined to instil a love of mathematics in our children through a varied curriculum, different approaches, regular opportunities for investigation and all staff modelling an enjoyment of the subject.  Through our mathematics curriculum and creative approach, children will gain a sound knowledge and a range of mathematical skills that they can apply to a variety of contexts and build upon after they leave us. Children will understand the importance of mathematics in terms of their successes and achievements – enabling them to set aspirational goals for the future.

Through embedding our school values into our maths lessons, we enable children to become resilient learners who can work with confidence both independently and collaboratively to further their learning through tackling problems and carrying out investigations.

Our Maths lessons follow a mastery style of teaching based on the objectives set by the National Curriculum. We work on the fluency of skills across objectives and integrate reasoning and problem solving. The children will use concrete objects where possible before moving on to pictorial and abstract representations. Bar models are used to help children visualise a problem and find a solution.   

In the Early Years, Number is taught based on the objectives set in the EYFS Development Matters document and is built into each provision area, where appropriate.

Maths Open Morning

Whole school overview

Calculation Guidance

Progression in Maths

EYFS Early learning goals and the Development matters for Mathematics

National Curriculum Programme of study for each year group

Mental Arithmetic 

When it comes to mental arithmetic, speed and accuracy are important – the more facts a child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations. To support children's learning in this area we use Times Table Rock Stars from Year 2 on wards and Maths Magicians from when a child is ready up to Year 6. 

Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables! To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds! All children will be issued log in details when they reach Year 2; this forms part of their homework. TT Rockstars 

Maths Magicians needs to be practised at home and when the child is ready to be tested the class teacher should be told. A child needs to have rapid recall to pass. A certificate is award in celebration worship and the child moves on to the next level. 

Throughout the school we use White Rose Maths to supplement our teaching. They are currently offering free parent workbooks. White Rose Maths  

Extra information or useful games